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Love the music it so vibey 



Little too hard for me haha, but enjoyed playing! Can't wait for another, or for new update for this one. Great job!

Thank you soo much <3

(1 edit) (+1)

You have to make the box collisions bigger and add the following code so that when the player starts playing the mouse cursor disappears, also when the idle animation is on the sword hides and when you walk the sword comes out, I don't know if It is an artistic decision but I clarify it just in case, I hope it has helped you!! ^^

void Start()     {         //Set Cursor to not be visible         Cursor.visible = false;     }

Thank you very much i had idea of moues disappearing so ty for code and its artistic decision i think it looks cool but will see what other say


Honestly without mouse i think i should change my attack to like E and Q so its easier to play, what you think?

You can still use the mouse to attack, the code that I have provided all it does is hide the mouse

yea i know but just looking in options to make easier controls